E.U. & U.S. Public Policy Forum Governance Reforms

The Innovative Accomplishments And Prospects of The United Kingdom’s Civil Service Reforms

Author:Thomas C. P. Peng, Associate Research Fellow

Release Date:2016/10/28

Origin of Problems

  After British Prime Minister David Cameron took office in May 2010, his coalition government, consisting of the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats, began working toward lowering the nation’s fiscal deficit and civil service spending through government reforms. In 2012, the coalition launched The Civil Service Reform Plan (Cabinet Office, 2012a), which laid five criteria for the changes to come: (1) scale of civil service, (2) decision-making capacity, (3) policy execution and accountability, (4) work ability reinforcement, and (5) employee support.

  Since the 1960s, the United Kingdom has experienced many rounds of civil service reforms, making the nation the perfect model for countries interested in reforming their own civil services. The innovative, expeditious and comprehensive reforms of 2012 provide especially notable references for Taiwan’s future civil service reforms.(......more)


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