E.U. & U.S. Public Policy Forum Governance Reforms

Comparison of Salaries among College Professors in Taiwan and Those in Europe and the United States

Author:Thomas C. P. Peng, Associate Research Fellow

Release Date:2016/10/28

Origin of Topic

     In the era of globalization, the average salary of college professors in one country affects the average salary of their counterparts in other countries. From the standpoint of rational decision-making, most professors tend to work in colleges that offer the highest pay and best work environment. If high monetary incentives could not be offered, it would be difficult to attract the “best” and “smartest” talents to work in the academic fields. In light of low salary received by college professors in Taiwan, the following research compares salaries among professors in Taiwan and those in Europe and the United States, analyzes the salary structure of Taiwan’s professors, and provides policy recommendations to Taiwan’s decision makers for improvement in the future. (......more)

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