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[法政] Asia Pacific Countries and the US Rebalancing Strategy 介紹 Asia Pacific Countries and the US Rebalancing Strategy
  • New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2016
  • ISBN:978-1137587978 Hardback   Price:114.99€    (279頁)
    ISBN:978-1-349-93453-9 eBook    Price:89.99€    (279頁)

This book examines the success of the US rebalancing (or pivot) strategy towards Asia, placing the US pivot in a historical context while highlighting its policy content and management dilemmas. Further, the contributors discuss the challenges and opportunities that each regional state confronts in responding to the US rebalancing strategy. In 2011, President Barack Obama laid out the framework for a strategic pivot of US policy towards the Asia Pacific region. Writers in this volume focus specifically on Asian perception of the strategy. Among the topics they explore are: China’s desire to be seen as equal to the US while maintaining foreign policy initiatives independent of the US strategic rebalance; the strengthening of Japan’s alliance with the US through its security policies; the use of US-China competition by South Korea to negotiate its influence in the region; and Australia’s embrace of the strategy as a result of foreign direct investment that provides economic benefits to the country.

Table of Contents

1、 Introduction Huang, David W. F. 1
2、 The Obama “Pivot” to Asia in a Historical Context of American Hegemony Cumings, Bruce 11
3、 Challenges to the US Rebalance to Asia Schmitt, Gary J. 31
4、 Balancing Signals in the US Rebalancing Strategy to Asia Huang, David W. F. 49
5、 The Chinese Response to the US Rebalancing Strategy: Sino–US Relations and Washington’s Pivot to Asia Hu, Richard Weixing 69
6、 Chinese Response to Obama’s Rebalancing to Asia Strategy Lin, Cheng-yi 85
7、 Japan’s “Proactive Contribution” and the US Rebalancing Policy Watanabe, Tsuneo “Nabe” 103
8、 Korea’s Dilemma: Uncertain Future and Forced Decisions Hwang, Jaeho 121
9、 ASEAN-Related Regional Arrangements, China, and the US Rebalancing Chung, Chien-peng 137
10、 America’s Asia-Pacific Rebalance and the Hazards of Hedging: A Review of Evidence from Southeast Asia Chong, Ja Ian 155
11、 US Rebalancing Strategy and Australia’s Response: Business as Usual Thayer, Carlyle A. 175
12、 India’s Response to US Rebalancing Strategy Narayanan, Raviprasad 193
13、 From Washington with Love? Taiwan’s Perspective on the US Rebalance to Asia Lu, Yeh-chung 211
14、 US Rebalancing Strategy and Taiwan’s Responses Li, Da-Jung 227
15、 South China Sea Disputes: Taiwan’s Opportunities and Challenges Lin, Ting‐Hui 241
16、 The US Commitment to Asia’s Stability and Japan’s Readiness to Rely on Its Security Provision Ito, Go 275


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