Publications Non-Institute Publications by Faculty
[Law and Politics] The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations
  • 編 編;編 編;(Foreword) (Foreword)
  • New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2011
  • ISBN:978-023-011-278-0    (Pages:245)

  The rise of China as a great power in East Asia, the return of the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) as the ruling political party in Taiwan, and new pressures on America's traditionally dominant position in the region create a crossroads in the relations between the United States, China and Taiwan. This timely book examines the background, current issues, and future possibilities for this triangular relationship, in which geostrategic interests grapple with the ideological battle between democracy and authoritarianism, the question of sovereignty over Taiwan, and Taiwan's own contested identity. At stake is not only Taiwan's destiny but also US-China relations.

Foreword: Varieties of Sovereigntyvii
List of Contributorsxix
1、 Introduction1
2、 Taiwan's Political Development and U.S.-China Relations13
3、 The "ASL" as the "Anti-TRA":The Impact of China's Anti-Secession Law on U.S.Relations with Taiwan29
4、 The TRA, Cross-Strait Relations, and Sino-U.S. Relations:Searching Cross-Strait stability53
5、 A Status Quo with Different Interpretations:Taiwan,China,the United States,and Security in the Taiwan Strait71
6、 Lobbying for a "U.S.-Taiwan FTA" in the U.S. Congress:Which "Fast Track"? What Target?101
7、 The United Seates as a Balancer in Gross-Strait Relations,2000-2008121
8、 The U.S.-China-Taiwan Relationship:New Circumstances, Persistent Challenges149
9、 Taiwan's Participation in the World Health Organization:The U.S. "Facilitator" Role167
10、 Japan's Perspective on U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations189
11、 U.S. Debates About Taiwan's Security,1979-2009209

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