出版品 研究人員所外出版專著
[法政] United States and Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: A Study of Ocean Law and Politics 介紹 United States and Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: A Study of Ocean Law and Politics
  • Baltimore:School of Law, University of Maryland,2002
  • ISBN:0-928153-84-2    (321頁)  美金35元
1、 Introduction7
2、 Chapter 1: Physical Environment and Political Milieu in the South China Sea Area15
3、 Chapter 2: Internal and External Policy Input Variables in the U.S. South China Sea Policy Making33
4、 Chapter 3: The U.S. Policy on the Spratlys and South China Sea79
5、 Chapter 4: Major Outcomes of the U.S. South China Sea Policy Making105
6、 Chapter 5: Policy Inputs since 1998: New Challenges for the United States133
7、 Chapter 6: The Conversion Process of the U.S. South China Sea Policy-Making in the Years 1998 and 1999195
8、 Chapter 7: The South China Sea in the Years 2000/2001 and U.S. Policy under the New Bush Administration239
9、 Conclusion287
10、 Appendices297

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