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[International Trade Law] WTO and the Greater China: Economic Integration and Dispute Resolution WTO and the Greater China: Economic Integration and Dispute Resolution
  • Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2012
  • ISBN:9789004208988    (Pages:308)

       WTO and the Greater China illustrates how the constitutional feature of the WTO – that it does not limit its membership to sovereign states – allows for the coexistence of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau (the Greater China) in the international trading system. It examines economic integration and dispute resolution within the Greater China and assesses the contributions of WTO rules to these processes.
        It explores the practices of these four Members of a sui generis FTA and of trade defence measures. It provides a comprehensive analysis of existent provisions pertaining to judicial review. Finally, it offers a case study on the impact of WTO membership on domestic legal and economic reforms.


     Acknowlegement    xiii
     List of Acronyms and Abbreviations     xv 
     Table of Legislation   xvii
     Table of Cases   xxix
     Chapter I            Introduction       1
     Chapter II           Effective Judicial Review in External Trade Relations 
                               in the Greater China
     Chapter III          WTO Constitutionalism and its Contribution to Judicial Settlement 
                               of Trade Disputes in the Greater China
     Chapter IV          Domestic Judicial Review in WTO Agreements     65
     Chapter  V          Judging Judges: China's WTO Obligation to Provide An Independent
                               and Impartial Judicial Review
     Chapter VI          Twenty Years After Liberalisation: Is it Time for Taiwan’s
                               Courts to Face with Cross-Strait Trade?
     Chapter VII         Trade Dispute Resolution Between China and Taiwan:
                               An indirect Approach through Third Party Participation
     Chapter VIII       One Country, Two Systems, and Three Memberships: Trade Dispute 
                               Resolution Between China and Hong Kong and Macau
     Chapter IX          Neither National Nor International: Trade Dispute Resolution
                               between Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macau
     Chapter X          Conclusion and the Way Forward    291
     Bibliography    295
     Index    303

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