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Important Research Achievements
[2009] The EU Human Rights Policies The EU Human Rights Policies
  • Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, 2009.

Human rights is a core value of the European Union. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union has a constitutional effect after the Treaty of Lisbon came into force on 1 December 2009. The EU has recently paid more attention to the implementation of human rights. A high level of human rights protection shall be ensured in the definition and implementation of all EU policies and activities. This book examines and illuminates the following subjects relating to the practice of EU human rights: EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, Biometerics Data Protection, Consumer Rights in GM Food Labelling, Property Right, Marriage and Family Rights, Movement Right and Social Welfare, Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Employment, Illegal Migrants, Cultural Rights, among others. All these issues have a long-term impact on the EU democracy and the future of European integration.




1、序言 單德興        i
2、緒論:歐盟人權政策的實踐與意涵 洪德欽      1
3、歐盟基本權利署之分析—創設歐盟「國家」人權機構? 廖福特   17
4、歐盟個人資料保護與資訊隱私權—以生物辨識應用為例 顏上詠   53
5、消費者權利在歐盟基改食品標示之規定與實踐 洪德欽 107
6、歐洲聯盟基本權利憲章財產權保護之研究 陳麗娟 173


許耀明 213


孫迺翊 245
9、歐洲聯盟禁止就業上性傾向歧視法制之研究 焦興鎧 303
10、從人權角度剖析歐盟打擊非法移民之政策 盧倩儀 345
徐揮彥 391
12、作者簡介   469
13、英文目錄   473
14、索引   475


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