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Important Research Achievements
[2013] Transpacific Articulations: Study Abroad and the Remaking of Asian America Transpacific Articulations: Study Abroad and the Remaking of Asian America
  • Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2013, 224 pages.

Transpacific Articulations studies Chinese students’ literary and political activities in the United States and beyond from the 1850s to the 1990s. It shows that the so-called “overseas student literature” signifies both an imaginary passage to modernity and a transnational culture where meanings of Asian America are rearticulated through Chinese, and demonstrates that Chinese student political activities in the late 1960s and 1970s—i.e., the Protect Diaoyutai Movement and the Taiwan Independence Movement—have critical, yet less examined, intersections with the Asian American movement. These diverse political activities, based upon conflicting national identifications, manifest how the Cold War geopolitics entangled Asian nationalisms with diasporic imaginaries and in turn shaped Asian America into a transnational cultural-political space. Finally, it also offers a reflection on the development of Asian American studies in Asia to suggest how movement of knowledge and people impacted the formation of Asian America. A historicallygrounded analysis of these transnationally intersected cultural imaginings, political activism, and intellectual linkages promises to enrich our understanding of Asian America as a transpacific critical formation within and against American modernity and Asian nationalism.




           Acknowledgments       ix
           Note on Spelling       xi
           Introduction        1
     1 ◆ Leaving Asia for America: Yung Wing, Study Abroad, and Translated Subjectivity      21
     2 ◆ Writing Diaspora: Tactics of Intervention and Pedagogy of Desire      40
     3 ◆ Tracking Baodiao: Diaspora, Sovereignty, and Cold War Imperialism      66
     4 ◆ Formosa Betrayed: Transnational Politics and Taiwanese American Identity      90
     5 ◆ Internationalism at Work: Bridge and Asian American Studies in Asia    110
           Conclusion    134
           Notes    143
           Bibliography    177
           Index    199


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