Publications Non-Institute Publications by Faculty
  • and
[Law and Politics] Sino-American Relations under the Trump Administration Sino-American Relations under the Trump Administration
  • Taipei City:Wu-Nan Book Inc.,2023
  • ISBN:978-626-366-909-3    (Pages:552)  NTD600
本專書《川普政府中美關係專題研究》收錄的六篇論文,曾發表於2022年3月中央研究院歐美所舉行的「2017-2021年川普政府美中臺關係及其影響」研討會。專書也收錄川普政府美中臺關係的重要文獻。川普總統人格特質特殊,領導方式、不可預測性備受爭議。習近平對內強勢統治、對外改變周邊現狀,加上美中貿易... (more......)

[Law and Politics] The Most Dangerous Place around the Taiwan Strait (in Chinese) The Most Dangerous Place around the Taiwan Strait (in Chinese)
  • Cheng-Yi Lin Author
  • New Taipei City:Linking Publishing,2023
  冷戰期間,美國與中國有相當長的時期不重視南海與東海。美國是超級強權,外交政策有優先順序,沒有出現問題的地區常不在它的雷達上;中國則是睡醒的大國,一覺醒後發現有核心利益卻長期忽視或力有未逮。   這種情況近年出現轉變,在習近平上任前,便先有中國與菲律賓的南海黃岩島漁船衝突事件,接續有... (more......)

[sociology and economics] Three Essays on Michel Foucault Three Essays on Michel Foucault
  • 臺北市:唐山,2018
  • ISBN:978-986-307-156-3    (Pages:160)  NTD220
本書包含作者的三篇關於傅柯晚期思想的論文:〈自我修養與自我創新:傅柯晚期的主體/自我觀〉、〈傅柯之死及其生死觀〉、〈傅柯的知識觀和真理觀〉,分別從三個層面闡釋傅柯晚期思想。傅柯晚期 (大概從1980年左右至1984年去世) 試圖發展一套修養論,包含哲學生活 (philosophical lif... (more......)

[Law and Politics] WTO法律與政策專題研究(第三版) Selected Issues in WTO Law and Policy (3rd. ed.) WTO法律與政策專題研究(第三版)
Selected Issues in WTO Law and Policy (3rd. ed.)
  • Taipei City:Sharing,106
  • ISBN:9789862957509    (Pages:721)  NTD750
本書是以WTO為主軸,從事系統性研究所累積之學術成果。作者選擇性針對WTO一些主流議題,加以深度分析,例如方法論、WTO原理與原則、組織架構、決策與談判、貿易救濟措施、農業、生物科技、環境、安全例外、區域整合、爭端解決、個案研究、台灣在WTO之實踐以及WTO之未來等項目。本書各章之間皆以WTO... (more......)

[Humanities] Rationality—Constraints and Contex Rationality—Constraints and Contex
  • USA:American Academic Press,2016
  • ISBN:Hardcover / 9780128046005    (Pages:298)
    ISBN:eBook/9780128046234    (Pages:298)
Rationality: Contexts and Constraints is an interdisciplinary reappraisal of the nature of rationality. In method, it is pluralistic, drawing upon ... (more......)

[Law and Politics] Asia Pacific Countries and the US Rebalancing Strategy Asia Pacific Countries and the US Rebalancing Strategy
  • New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2016
  • ISBN:978-1137587978 Hardback   Price:114.99€    (Pages:279)
    ISBN:978-1-349-93453-9 eBook    Price:89.99€    (Pages:279)
This book examines the success of the US rebalancing (or pivot) strategy towards Asia, placing the US pivot in a historical context while highlight... (more......)

[Law and Politics] 美國海洋法政 A Collection of Essays on American Ocean Law and Policy 美國海洋法政
A Collection of Essays on American Ocean Law and Policy
  • Taipei City:元照出版公司,2016
  • ISBN:978-986-255-682-5    (Pages:556)  NTD600
  本論文集主要蒐集作者過去一、二十年所發表有關美國與海洋法政之中英論文,內容涵蓋美國與聯合國海洋法公約之修正、加入、適用與解釋問題、美國所提之海洋相關安全倡議 (例如:防止大規模毀滅性武器擴散安全倡議和區域海事安全倡議)、美國領海基線主張等。期望此論文集之出版對政府相關部門或有興趣研究美國有... (more......)

[Law and Politics] 歐盟法之基礎原則與實務發展 (上) (下) The EU Law :Principles and Practices I/II 歐盟法之基礎原則與實務發展 (上) (下)
The EU Law :Principles and Practices I/II
  • 專書主編 專書主編;蘇宏達 叢書主編
  • Taipei City:臺大出版中心,2015
  • ISBN:Paperback(上冊) ISNB:978-986-35-0075-9   台幣570元 395 頁(上冊)
    ISBN:Paperback(下冊) ISNB:978-986-35-0076-6   台幣570元 416頁(下冊)
 (上冊)   法律在歐盟一直扮演著重要的角色,其乃是歐盟整合的基礎及歐盟政策作為的依據。鑑於法律在歐盟研究的重要性,本書集結臺灣歐盟法研究學者的重要研究成果,內容深入且豐富。全書分為上下兩冊:上冊涵蓋歐盟法律的法源、法理、原則、基本權利、平等權、反歧視、立... (more......)

[Law and Politics] Major Law and Policy Issues in the South China Sea: European and American Perspectives Major Law and Policy Issues in the South China Sea: European and American Perspectives
  • 主編 主編;(主編) (主編)
  • ,2014
  • ISBN:Hardback/978-1-4094-5594-3 (£70.00)    (Pages:308)
    ISBN:ebook/978-1-4094-5595-0    (Pages:308)
    ISBN:epub/978-1-4724-5594-3    (Pages:308)
Major law and policy issues in the South China Sea are discussed mainly from the perspectives of leading American and European scholars in the stud... (more......)

[Law and Politics] The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations
  • 編 編;編 編;(Foreword) (Foreword)
  • New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2011
  • ISBN:978-023-011-278-0    (Pages:245)
  The rise of China as a great power in East Asia, the return of the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) as the ruling political party in Taiwan, and ne... (more......)

[Law and Politics] 歐美死刑論述 Essays on the Death Penalty in Europe and the United States 歐美死刑論述
Essays on the Death Penalty in Europe and the United States
  • 著 著
  • Taipei City:元照出版公司,2010
  • ISBN:978-986-255-051-9    (Pages:231)  NTD350
本書論述歐美死刑制度的演進,提供讀者歐美國家廢除死刑的歷史與世界廢除死刑趨勢,並比較歐美國家的差異。民眾若能獲得充分的死刑知識與資訊,有助於對死刑存廢爭論更深度的理性思考。歐洲人權始終走在世界先端,首先制定歐洲人權公約,並完成二件廢除平時死刑與戰時死刑之議定書,透過以廢除死刑為加入歐洲理事會與... (more......)

[Law and Politics] 歐洲聯盟的組織與運作(第二版) The Organization and the operation of EU 歐洲聯盟的組織與運作(第二版)
The Organization and the operation of EU
  本書定位於歐盟入門專書之進階參考書。有鑑於國內介紹歐盟書籍之內容包羅萬象,但多點到為止,且多缺乏專業主題的規劃和論述,故本書針對歐盟組織與運作之深入探討,恰巧彌補學界前輩為文的缺憾。一則因為歐盟本身變動不羈,而且可資討論的議題繁複眾多,所以歐盟領域學者在撰寫介紹性專書時不得不去繁從簡,僅略... (more......)

[Law and Politics] WTO法律與政策專題研究 Selected Issues in WTO Law and Policy WTO法律與政策專題研究
Selected Issues in WTO Law and Policy
  • 著(一版二刷) 著(一版二刷)
  • Taipei City:新學林,2005
  • ISBN:9570413425 軟Hardback    (Pages:450)  NTD530
  本書是以WTO為主軸,從事系統性研究所累積之學術成果。作者選擇性針對WTO一些主流議題,加以深度分析,例如方法論、農業、環境、區域整合、爭端解決、WTO個案研究等項目。本書各章之間皆以WTO法律分析與政策研究相互串聯,對WTO而言,是部分也是整體,是微觀也是宏觀,是理論也是實務,是抽象也是... (more......)

[Law and Politics] United States and Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: A Study of Ocean Law and Politics United States and Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: A Study of Ocean Law and Politics
  • 著 著
  • Baltimore:School of Law, University of Maryland,2002
  • ISBN:0-928153-84-2    (Pages:321)  USD35

[Humanities] Privatising Culture: Corporate Art Intervention Since the 1980s Privatising Culture: Corporate Art Intervention Since the 1980s
  • 著 著
  • London and New York:Verso,2003
  • ISBN:978-185-984-472-4     (Pages:392)
 Corporate sponsorship and business involvement in the visual arts have become increasingly common features of our cultural lives. From Absolu... (more......)

[sociology and economics] Embeddedness and Corporate Change in a Global Economy Embeddedness and Corporate Change in a Global Economy
  • 主編 主編;主編 主編
  • New York:Peter Lang Publishing,2000
  • ISBN:0-8204-4986-5    (Pages:351)
Using an embeddedness approach, this volume analyzes how different forms of organization and market exchange systems function and co-evolve. In con... (more......)

[Law and Politics] United States-China Normalization: An Evaluation of Foreign Policy Decision Making United States-China Normalization: An Evaluation of Foreign Policy Decision Making
  • 著 著
  • Baltimore, Maryland:University of Maryland, School of Law (Copublished with University of Denver, Graduate School of International Studies, Monograph Series in World Affairs),1986
  • ISBN:Paperback/978-087-940-083-5    (Pages:246)
The book is the first systematic analysis of the U.S.-PRC normalization decision-making process in terms of relevant models constructed by internat... (more......)

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